Jul 13, 2021What is the golden thread of consciousness for you? For me, the end of the year calls for reflection. It’s also time to be grateful and sum up the best that showed up in our life. Do not forget to sum up the challenges because everything is a contribution!
I love the peaceful days between Christmas and New Year and I have some ceremonies of celebration that I would like to share with you.
I also love the feeling I always get on New Year’s Eve:
- that I am so crazy lucky to be alive,
- that the universe has been so generous to me, supported me, had my back
- and that I have a chance to restart, recharge, renew myself and start all over.
This year I am celebrating with my daughter in Cancun, Mexico and I feel very blessed and excited. I will start the year by having a book launch in Mexico City, followed by a New York City launch on January 15th.
This is big for me! Imagine how many hearts I can reach through this book!?
My gratitude list this year is simple and full of love. I am grateful for:
- the effort and support I received; first of all, from my beautiful daughter. I am grateful for the gift of having her, and the contribution of my family, friends, colleagues, and clients.
- I am indebted to those who hold me up, empower me, love me regardless of my weaknesses and strengths, catch me when I waiver, make me change my mind and inspire me to be better and choose greatness.
- my book being published in Spanish, English, and Serbian.
- traveling the globe from North to South, from East to West and breathing different cultures and being welcomed into people’s hearts, homes, and being the one that brings hope.
- all the Beauty the planet is offering and that I am so blessed to enjoy it.
- my business!
- my life.
Strengths have been a gift to me that I continue to unwrap every single day. And I am forever grateful to be able to empower others to choose life, to choose greater and create their life. Again, again and again!
Now let’s be proactive and let me answer a few of your questions that I received:
- How to constructively recapitulate the past year?
- What to look for when looking back?
- It’s time to set new goals, how to get creative in the new year?
- How do we develop a clear vision of ourselves and our intentions?
So, o.k., you may laugh if you want now but I do have some kind of a small ceremony every year that I dedicate to the past, the future and the now. It starts before Christmas and ends with New Year’s Eve!
I am a lifesaver and an adventurer that enjoys to explore new things and always creates greater things.
I keep going and I never give up!
And every year at the end of the year I am looking at what I created that year and what I would love to celebrate. Of course, I drink a little bubbly and the tradition to enjoy lobster and get the best on the table is given.
As my favorite lady, Coco Chanel said:
“I only drink champagne on two occasions, when I am in love and when I am not.”
Why do I look back? I would love to enjoy and celebrate what I have accomplished. My year ends with gratitude meditation with a good feeling and a sense of happiness and pride for myself. There is a certain power in celebrating self-worth and it has the healing capacity.
I start every day for a week with getting up earlier, lighting some candles and meditating on questions that I am giving you in this blog. After that, I put on my coat. And no matter the weather I will go for a long walk. When getting back from my walk my mind is cleared of clutter and I light candles and listen to the music that inspires me. I pick up all the books that I love and read – and then I start to write about challenges, the good and the bad, the beauty, the magic, experiences, joy, possibilities, and I create and answer my questions.
The questions I ask are:
- What inspired me this year?
- What have I achieved in all areas of my life; Body-Relationship-Finance-Personal Growth?
- What impact did I have on the world?
- Where did I choose to go into drama and trauma and how can I put gratitude on that and release it? How can I laugh at it and let it go!?
- What wasn’t so great this year?
- What ideas, goals did I had that did not happen? Why? Do I desire them?
- What were the 3 biggest challenges I had faced in my personal life and my professional life?
- Which of my virtues, or qualities turned out to be the most helpful this year?
I write, paint, write again and answer my questions. If there have been painful things I cry, and I laugh where I made a fool of myself. I look at all the people that I have been holding onto that has been unkind to me, abusive and not a contribution and I also look at the people that were nurturing my soul and open my heart to receive more of that. I talk to all my projects, my business, my body, my life, and all people energetically and release whatever holds negativity in place and creates separation.
Also, ask the question:
What can I be that will create greater?
My ceremony is to write a letter of gratitude to all of those events, people, situations, problems, challenges, sorrows and meditate on then, burn them and give them to the Earth. I usually go to the sea and allow them to go with the water and the wind.
I take days when I just do spontaneous things: like sending emails to people I never talk to, invite someone on for a lunch, bring flowers, give compliments, bring presents to people I love. This year I have chosen to have an early start by visiting a Rehabilitation Center where my son has been treated for drugs. I asked them if I could gift anything – what would it be? The said HOPE! Yes, hope is the light of the heart and it never leaves us.
Remember to meditate on HOPE!
I also did a sale of all my clothes, books, things that are asking to go somewhere else and I gifted the money to a charity for homeless people. December is the month for me where I practice the gifting and receiving of contribution and enhance it. I feel it, meditate on it, and allow contribution to enter every cell of my body. The contribution is gifting and receiving.
When I am done with letting go and my mind is getting more and more clear about what I would love to see different showing up next year, the creativity is dancing like golden light around me, inside me, above me, under me, and connected with Earth and Universe. I ask the same questions but a little bit different and I look at 2020 up to 2025.
- What impact would I love to have on the world next year and five years from now?
- How would I like to BE in the world next year?
- What would I like to talk about in 5 years from now that is so great and is reaching hearts all over the world?
- What would I like to BE, CHOOSE and DO different in the next year?
Then I set goals on the following areas;
- career/business/economic
- relationship, love, compassion
- fun adventure
- contribution
I write down my goals and set them to a deadline that keeps me going and motivated. Sometimes I have them everywhere! In my bedroom, in my car… The first thing that I see in the morning is my goals and they are the last thing I see before I go to sleep. They are a constant reminder of what I would like to be and what I would love to see being actualized…
As a facilitator and author of the book YOU ARE THE POWER, choose to create the life you desire, next year I am inviting YOU to something NEW.
Starting January 30th I am launching a new telecall, and a ‘You are the Power’ program is coming ALIVE. The telecall is called RELEASE THE BEAST – You are the Power 2020!
IF you are one of those that are looking to achieve your goals, set new ones, and have breakthroughs, this is our YEAR! Let’s go! Let’s play in the fields of Consciousness!
Whatever system you have that helps you stay committed to achieve and live your dreams and create your life, please use it!
Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
With love,
Don't miss a beat!
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