*** Croatian below***
Lucky you!
Congratulations for choosing my individual coaching program
"You are the power".
What if 3 months is what it takes to reset your patterns to action?
"You are the power" individual is a personalized 3 month online coaching program that is carried out "one-to-one" designed to provide guidance, tools, support and empower you to change all that you are not happy with in your life.
It can be in the area of money, career, relationships, body.
You are the Power Coaching Program is designed for YOU who are looking to get results.
The program and interaction will be carried out on individual basis with schedule adaptable to your lifestyle.
How does the program work?
Before you start you will do the LIFO Orientation Survey to understand how you view problems when you are in your favorable behavior style and when you are not. This will be our starting point for your transformation.
Each month is dedicated to a certain aspect of your transformation
Month 1 - Awareness and initiation
Month 2 - Creation/Generation/Actualization
Month 3 - Action plan and implementation
We meet for 3 months in 6 ONLINE sessions. Through this time you will be guided towards setting goals and making steps towards their achievement with access to an array of video tutorials, tools and inspiration through a dedicated app.
Let's get started.Get in touch for all questions.
** Croatian**
Čestitam što ste odabrali moj coaching program “You are the power - Ti si moć".
Što ako su 3 mjeseca sve što je potrebno da spoznate vaše obrasce ponašanja i ponovno pokrenete svoj život?
“You are the power” individual je personalizirani 3-mjesečni online coaching program osmišljen kako bi pružio smjernice, alate, podršku i osnažio te da promijeniš sve ono čime nisi zadovoljan u svom životu.
Može biti u području novca, karijere, odnosa, tijela.
You are Power Coaching Program osmišljen je za VAS koji želite postići rezultate.
Program i interakcija će se odvijati individualno i može biti usklađeno s vašim životnim stilom.
Kako program funkcionira?
Prije nego što počnete, ispuniti ćete LIFO orijentacijski upitnik kako biste razumjeli kako gledate na probleme kada ste u svom povoljnom stilu ponašanja, a kada niste.
Svaki mjesec posvećen je određenom aspektu vaše transformacije
1. mjesec - Svjesnost i inicijacija
2. mjesec - Kreacija/Generacija/Aktualizacija
3. mjesec - Akcijski plan i provedba
Sastajemo se 3 mjeseca u 6 ONLINE termina. Kroz ovo vrijeme bit ćete vođeni prema postavljanju ciljeva i konkretnim koracima prema njihovom ostvarenju uz pristup nizu videouputa, alata i inspiracije putem namjenske aplikacije.
Započnimo s promjenom!